<p>Smart leaders learn from their own mistakes. Smarter ones learn from others’ mistakesーand successes.</p> <p>John C. Maxwell wants to help you become the smartest leader you can be by sharing Chapter 6, <em>The Best Leaders Are Listeners,</em> of <em>Leadership Gold</em> with you. After nearly forty years of leading, Maxwell has mined the gold so you don’t have to. Each chapter contains detailed application exercises and a “Mentoring Moment” for leaders who desire to mentor others using the book.</p> <p>Gaining leadership insight is a lot like mining for gold. You don’t set out to look for the dirt. You look for the nuggets. You’ll find them here.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 177円

Listener 関連ツイート

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